He's Growing Up Already
December 24th, 2009 by Overallgirl
Nolan is looking so much older, so much more mature to me already. I mean, his face really has a certain look now. Before he just looked like a baby, but now he looks like a specific person. I don’t know if that makes sense- maybe it’s just mommy-ramblings, but it makes sense to me. At the pediatrician’s office last week while we were in the waiting room, a mother with her newborn daughter came out. She was so…tiny…and then I looked at Nolan and he wasn’t…tiny anymore. I couldn’t believe it. How could that newborn stage already be over?
Nolan is getting so expressive- besides smiling, he’s making all kinds of new sounds- daily it seems he adds a new sound to his vocabulary. You can tell he’s trying to talk and communicate with us. Sometimes when he smiles now, his eyebrows will go up at the same time. Last night while Ben was singing and playing guitar, Nolan started making extra long sounds and Ben looked at me and said, “Has he done that before? Does it seem like he’s trying to sing?” And it really was something new. Often before jumping right into crying when he wants something he’ll make sounds instead- sounds that you can tell he’s saying he wants something different now even though we can’t always be sure what that something is. He’ll look directly into your eyes and make these little sounds…then if that doesn’t work he resorts to crying which is always effective. :)-
- Posted in Nolan