January 28th, 2010 by Overallgirl

I took Nolan for a walk around the Marina recently- it was a verrrry windy cold day, but we were both really feeling couped up and getting cabin fever, so I bundled him real good and off we went….it felt so refreshing. I don’t think people who live in Alaska who have babies never go outside even though it’s cold, so why should we stay inside? Why do I have to rationalize this anyway? I guess because he’s such a little tiny person I feel like if I take him out in the slightest inclement weather that I’m being a bad mother and endangering my son. But come on….we just happen to live in a warmer, temperate climate- people with babies on the east coast must venture outside all the time with their younguns. That’s what hats and mittens and jackets and pullovers and boots and earmuffs and snowsuits and….um that’s it are for. Sure enough, when I pulled him out of the stroller at the end of the walk, his whole body was toasty warm and I could really have a clean conscience. Albeit his nose was a bit chilly. I wonder if they make a nose-mitten? Oh my goodness!!! They DO! You will not see me wearing that anytime soon.
January 28th, 2010 by Overallgirl
Okay guys- I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you about the other page on this blog I created and I’m not sure if you noticed it on your own- look for the Photo Gallery page near the top of the blog and you’ll be able to see tons more photos of Nolan grouped by age….because of course you can never get enough right???? In case you’re too lazy to scroll up, I have posted the current photo albums below as well….
Anyway- as I was selecting photos for each of these albums, you probably won’t be believe me, but I actually wished that I had taken more photos of Nolan- especially that first month. Even though my computer says that I have 847 photos of Nolan in his first month, 447 photos from 1-2 months, and 310 photos from 2-3 months of age. First of all, realizing how different Nolan looks just a few months after being born really makes me sad that I didn’t take more photos of Nolan’s tiny newborn features- I just feel I missed some stuff I could have captured had I known. Secondly- did you notice that I’ve only take less than half as many photos from 2-3 months as his first month? I feel like a bad mother….which is ridiculous because if Nolan had been born in 1915 he would have been lucky to have even one photo taken of him his entire childhood, AND he wouldn’t have been smiling in it since you had to be very still for several minutes when photos were taken back then, which of course it is very difficult to hold a steady smile for that long without taking a break. But I digress…..
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January 26th, 2010 by Overallgirl
This is Nolan when he was 15 days old….during one of his soup-pot baths that Daddy gave him….