First Food Trial

February 24th, 2010 by Overallgirl

Nolan had been pretty much a 9.8 on the cranky scale for about a whole week and at night he had started waking up every 1-2 hours.  We thought maybe even though he wasn’t quite 4 months old, and they now suggest you wait till 6 months old to start solids, that perhaps he really needed more food since he’s big for his age.  So we tried a couple days of supplementing with home made baby food.  This one here is mashed up banana and breastmilk which he really liked, and later we tried sweet potato.  He still sticks his tongue out instead of in when the food comes at him so plenty got all over his face, but he seemed to enjoy the new experience.  However, after a couple days of this, we noticed no improvement in sleep pattern or crankiness-level.  Since there are many reasons to wait to start solids,  related to helping prevent food allergies later in life and such like that, we decided to back off on the solids again.  I think maybe he was either “growth-spurting” or just having a phase, because this week he seems to be a lot more at peace again like his old self- and while the sleeping hasn’t improved dramatically I’ve gotten more used to it so that’s okay.

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