Nolan-less day continued…

February 24th, 2010 by Overallgirl

We then headed to Peets to sit and muse over our current crazy life over coffee and tea.  The new Lemon Rose Tea that Peets has is soooo yummy!  Here’s what inside their loose-leaf brew (I noticed lemon peel, lemongrass and rose-hips):

I also agreed to try Ben’s horseradish that he was putting on his sandwich- as you can tell I was a very timid taster….

Ben with his beloved cup of java….

We took a hike among the ferns and redwoods and then stopped off at the beach to take in the sinking sun.

About nine and half years ago I remember starting to get very impatient as to when we would finally get married.  Little did I know the wait was being caused by his gradual payments towards my wedding ring, which he surprised me with when he proposed on a large rock we were sitting on in the middle of tuolumne river near Yosemite.

Our First Nolan-less day

February 22nd, 2010 by Overallgirl

Ben and I just had our 9th anniversary and to celebrate we decided to spend several hours of quality time together for the first time since Nolan’s birth.  Grammy and Grandpa were excited to have Nolan all to themselves for an entire 8.5 hours, and Ben and I took off to Half Moon Bay.  We went to Half Moon Bay Nursery, where we always go when we’re out that way, and I had a ball taking macro photos of the flowers there.  That’s honestly one of my favorite things to do.  I could go around taking closeup photos of flowers all day long and never get tired of it.  Here are the best ones:

Someone gave me money just for having Nolan!

February 22nd, 2010 by Overallgirl

Today as I was getting Nolan out of the car to go grocery shopping, this cute elderly couple were pulling away in their small truck- they saw Nolan and stopped the car, the wife rolling down the window.  They cooed and awwed at Nolan and asked my name, then the husband pulled out his wallet and gave me a dollar for Nolan.  So sweet!

As for the photos, it was getting towards the end of the day recently and I noticed the lighting outside seemed nice, so I outfitted Nolan in a disposable diaper (our cloth diaper bums just don’t fit into any of the cute clothes) and a couple of cute outfits to take a few pics.  He was getting tired though so I didn’t get smiles but nevertheless he survived my need to take pictures of him and I survived without getting smiles….

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