Nolan in his suit

May 26th, 2010 by Overallgirl

Cute photo of Nolan in one of his suits….

Rainy Day Family Excursion!

May 26th, 2010 by Overallgirl

Wow did we have fun this afternoon!  It was really coming down, so of course Ben couldn’t work.  So we decided to make use of this rare family time and do something different.  We took off to the Lawrence Hall of Science.  The last time I was there was on a field trip in school, probably in 4th grade.

Here are the highlights of our afternoon….


We made sure bring yummy snacks….

Then took a jaunt through Berkeley Bowl, our favorite grocery store….
Had to take a pic of this clever title….

You get it?

He Wasn't Gettin' Any Cleaner

May 26th, 2010 by Overallgirl

Finally decided to give Nolan a bath- it’s been a little while.  You might be thinking, been awhile?  What neglectful parents!  I keep reading online on these parenting sites about these “bedtime routines” where the baby gets a bath every night, then a massage, then a story, then etc etc etc.  I’m all for the stories, the nursing, the rocking to sleep, but giving Nolan a bath is a huge pain in the butt- literally, and to be honest, he’s just not that dirty every day, so why bother?  I don’t know if it’s just me, or the way our bathroom is designed, or my height, or what….but leaning over the bathtub  trying to keep a 20 lb. baby with moving limbs stabilized is not an enjoyable event to want to go through every night and honestly my back can’t handle it.  Getting in there with him is fine on occasion, but again, on a regular basis would prove to be too hectic for our family just now.  And he’s just not dirty people!  Not to mention while he likes his bath, he gets extremely cranky as soon as we pull him out.  So we just skip it most of the time….and wait till he gets to that point where….well he’s still not dirty, but I figure it’s been awhile and we might as well scrub him up a bit.  The other reason is that he’s prone to excema and not bathing him constantly has in my  opinion saved it from becoming a problem, because every time I go get him out of a bath, his skin gets really dry and traces of excema appear.  So all in all, we’re actually being more responsible by not bathing him….

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