Blanket in the Garden

July 17th, 2010 by Overallgirl

Well- it’s official guys.  I’m starting my own etsy shop like many, er, most of the crafters in the blogosphere.  My official etsy shop is  I only listed one item at the  moment because I’m still getting set up- but in the next few weeks you should see somewhere between 30-60 items appear, so check back!

One of the things I have found frustrating about many of the photos on etsy while looking for baby blankets is that few listings ever show an image of the whole blanket.  I like to see the whole thing.  It’s hard to buy when we already can’t see it in person, but then when we can’t even see the whole thing it’s a lot harder to plunk out the cash (a phrase from my mom).  So it’s really important to me in my new etsy shop for people always to get a glimpse of the entire item that I’m selling…as I was thinking about how to go about doing that in the most flattering way, I scanned my front garden and saw the trellis my darling hubby built for the tomatoes this year….those tomatoes will have to wait to grow any taller for a bit.

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