My son Diego…

August 20th, 2010 by Busy Mommy

This is so funny I just had to share right away.  There’s a little two year old girl in our congregation who took an interest in Nolan tonight.  Nolan was being his usual self after the meeting, crawling around and using the chairs to walk.  Mayte asked the little girl if she knew his name and then told the little girl it was Nolan.  Then Mayte asked her again what his name was.  She said “Diego”.  We laughed.  Mayte said no, his name is Nolan.  We giggled even harder when she kept calling him Diego- at one point Nolan was crawling away from all of us and she piped up “where’s Diego going?”  Apparently this little girl feels Diego is a more appropriate name…..MAN you gotta love cute little kids!!!!  This world just wouldn’t be funny without them.

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