A Uniquely Noble-Minded Man

October 13th, 2010 by Busy Mommy

We recently had a sad occasion to observe in our family- my Grandfather passed away, and we went as a family to spread his ashes up in the mountains where my grandfather loved to be.  He was as my brother wrote in his memorial pamphlet, a “uniquely noble-minded man.”  It’s important to share happy and sad memories here, as that is what makes up this life right now, and just as there were happy and sad moments on our family excursion to the mountains, so there are happy and sad photos.  Nolan of course had no idea what was going on, and while he may be little, his ability to cheer everyone up and make us all laugh was by no means small.  He was the little sunshine of the trip.  In another post I’d like to share some old and young photos of my grandfather and share a little about his life as he really accomplished a lot.

Crawling around in the dirt was really Nolan’s cup of tea- he definitely didn’t hide where he’s been.My dad said some very touching and thoughtful words regarding my grandpa for everyone to listen to.I hesitated to include these next few pictures, only because spreading my grandfathers ashes was certainly a private family occasion, but only family and good friends can read this blog journal and this was something special we did for my grandpa according to his wishes- it was a beautiful place and more butterflies then I’ve ever seen in one place were flitting all about the field in the sunshine.  It was quiet and peaceful there- a good resting place.We all went to lunch courtesy of my Grandma as a family and Nolan ate a bunch of ritz crackers, played musical laps with everyone down the length of the table (back and forth to daddy, to papou, to uncle Caleb, to GG, back to Caleb, back to Papou, back to daddy, to mommy, back to daddy, etc).  Oh yes he also had a ball grabbing Papou’s lettuce leaves from his salad and tossing them everywhere- we managed to get the plate away from him in time for Papou to keep about half the salad.  My those teeth are really growing in aren’t they!

This was Nolan’s first time meeting his Great Aunt Vickie and boy did he like her!  Aunt Vickie shared how much fun Nolan was having while sitting in her lap, taking a piece of cucumber and carefully rubbing it on her nice business suit skirt before sticking it into his mouth.  More than once this happened.  She seemed proud!  What a big heart she’s gotta have!And now the baby boy in action:



And lastly- Caleb doing a great rendition of 2 special songs Grandpa sand often:


“oooh I wanna do dat”

October 12th, 2010 by Busy Mommy

Playing with a bigger little guy

October 12th, 2010 by Busy Mommy

I went to visit an old friend recently and her nephew was over as well- he is about 3 I think and his name is Wyatt (what a cute name!)  Wyatt had a play piano with a microphone that works and Nolan couldn’t get enough of slobbering his mouth all over the microphone and going “uhhhhhh” really loud into it once he figured out the cool sound it made.  Wyatt- I think you need some antibacterial wipes for that microphone now, sorry.

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