January 13th, 2011 by Busy Mommy
Probably one of our biggest challenges. Of course little kids don’t like to sit, especially ones who recently started walking. However, we have some special books for him, and I found that he does like to sit by himself in his own chair more than on our laps (apparently he has an independent nature like me), which is totally fine, so we’re working with that and he’s managing to do a little sittin’ at the meetings lately. Good for you Nolan! We know it’s tough.

January 13th, 2011 by Busy Mommy
I’ve decided to be a parent who feeds their child healthy food, but who will not make a big deal when someone else offers them a treat or something I might not normally feed him. I don’t feel an occasional treat will undermine his healthy habits, and it’s rewarding and important to be gracious with friends and family, another important life lesson that hopefully Nolan will learn. So when a friend offered to take a whole group of us out to doughnuts, his treat, Nolan had the chance to have his first doughnut (hole). He actually only ate half of it and I had a mandarin orange out as well that he munched on.

January 13th, 2011 by Busy Mommy
I got to see Tyler in person- he’s so adorable! I still can’t believe Nolan was just about that size when he was born. He’s soooo much bigger now. Mayte was really surprised how big Nolan looked when we came over. Which reminded me that’s just how I reacted when I took my tiny little newborn grocery shopping when he was like 2 weeks old- I stared at all these parents with their humongous babies who were hanging out in the shopping carts. Their babies were enormous! Was that normal? My baby was the size babies should be. The term “baby” spans only a year or two of a person’s life, but there is so much growth in that time- the babies I saw in the grocery store that day were probably about the age Nolan is now. So funny how the perspective changes depending on what we’ve been looking at the most recently.

“You shall be healed…..just do whatever I want and your tiredness will eventually be healed…..”
I remember when Nolan was that new and didn’t move yet…..unlike now when getting a clear photo is always a miracle….