In the Garden- front yard harvests

August 11th, 2011 by Busy Mommy

Our Garden is back and better than ever this year…here’s a few highlights.  This is my first time growing watermelon radishes.  I actually forgot that I planted them- I just couldn’t figure out why next to my french breakfast radishes were these huge radish greens growing and yet when I pulled one out the actual “radish” was only the size of a pea still- so I left them in another month and was rewarded with an awesome harvest of watermelon radish.  They almost look a little like turnips and are definitely in that size range.

Oh so that’s why it’s called a watermelon radish!
Next up is my normal french breakfast radishes- I think these are my favorites when it come to looks and how fast they are ready to be eaten- as little as 20 days!This year was also our first planting and harvesting  of potatoes- we did it a little mindlessly in that we basically just threw them in the veggie bed and left them there- I think Ben threw on a few containers of grass clippings, but that was pretty much it- and look what we got out of it!  9 potatoes were originally planted, and on June 22nd we harvested 88 various sized yukon gold potatoes, all together weighing 19 lbs.  Not bad for almost zero effort!  They are super good as homemade hashbrowns which is about the only way we prepare them right now (key for homemade hashbrowns- get a potato ricer).

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