I have another life….woops, I mean blog.
December 16th, 2011 by Busy Mommy
I’ve been keeping something from you. I have another blog. Dedicated to quilting. I recently decided to change the scope of that blog and use it to include things like our hobbies, hiking, cooking, interesting research I come across, my projects, Ben’s projects, and just other things are that are less “nolan” in nature- it will be more a reflection of me. So if you want to see what else I’m up to, you can follow my other blog too- the address is www.overallgirl.wordpress.com – here’s a quick screenshot of what the homepage looks like: If you noticed it, I have a scripture on the header that means a lot to me and i keep a written copy of it taped to my computer screen. One thing Jehovah has used Ben to teach me is that it’s best to just get in there and do it- whatever the task that needs to be done- I used to procrastinate and worry and project about how overwhelming or impossible a job seemed, but Ben would just start hacking away at it, and in much less time than I thought possible, it was already done. I have learned to get in there and do what needs to be done over the past 11 years of our marriage, and I’m a much more productive person as a result and experience a lot less mental anguish over projected difficulties that don’t turn out to be true. This is one of the greatest gifts he’s given me and has been one of the best changes in my personality.
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- Posted in Gardening, Hiking, Musings, Recipes