Latest Phrases and Sayings- 26 months

December 24th, 2011 by Busy Mommy

Nolan is just a little over two now, and I am getting comments literally every single day now, mostly while at the park, from adults observing Nolan and being really impressed by how well Nolan talks.  What mother wouldn’t be glowing inside with joy to hear that?  I really don’t want to be one of those mom’s that thinks her child is the most intelligent amazing creature on the planet and make other people feel bad, so I try not to make a big deal out of it, but I sure do love to hear them say that!  Makes me feel like we’re doing something right.  I don’t know if it’s the fact that we don’t have a tv, or his personality, or a combo of both, or the fermented fish oil, the reading, all the adult conversation he’s around, or something else we’re not aware of.  Either way I’ll just be thankful that he seems to enchant so many people an makes me hope as an only child he will be able to make friends easily as he gets older.

It certainly is fun to hear all the things he repeats of what we say, and other phrases I’m sure he’s picked up from the rest of the family.

I’m a gonna show you….” “I’m a gonna….”

When asked if he needs to go pee-pee- “no, I’m fine.”

Tried to get out of going to bed for the night by coming out of his room and saying to me “I’m…..feeling good!” while shaking his head yes up and down.

Today, coming out from his nap that he hadn’t taken yet with his diaper in hand, being silly, “take off that diaper!”

While pulling someone’s leg and dragging them along, “C’mon!  I show you…..

When he asks for something that he can’t have yet, etc. he has a variety of suggestions in response: “maybe soon,” and “soon, soon,” and “maybe later maybe later,” and “another time another time“.A common thing to hear him say while reaching up to you, “up and kisshug!

While playing with my computer keyboard, he waves his hand in a circle over one area of the keyboard and says, “somewheh somewheh.” (somewhere) This is of course what I do when i’m trying to teach him a certain letter on the keyboard and try to give him a hint where it’s at- I say “it’s somewhere over here…”  So funny to see him copy that.  Also, “i show you i show you!…the letter b.”

Recently he has started saying “this is mine, this is mine” a lot and both Ben and I don’t care for it so we’ve been saying, “don’t say that, it really doesn’t matter whose it is.” So then he says, “Don’t say mines….don’t say mines

The way he says “fo Nolan.”  I wish I could describe how it sounds- he just says it this super cute way.“I want to help.”

I recently suggested that we try to talk to Nolan more about the things we like about him and what good things he did that day.  So tonight while putting him to sleep, Ben said to Nolan, “I really like how Nolan likes to help and that he’s outgoing and likes people.”  Nolan replied, “Yeah my name’s Nolan.  I like Nolan too.

While stamping and shaking his body in minute movements when we do something for him he wanted to do on his own: “Do it da-self!! Do it da-self!

Nolan was playing with 2 other young boys and their Dad at the park while I sat at the picnic bench.  After awhile I walked over to collect him to go home.  The Dad said, “you’re son is cute….we know that he’s Nolan and he’s 2.  He made sure we knew that.”

I’m twoI’m two yeahs old.” (two words together not a mistake).

After his bible study this week from the bible story book where they read about Samson and Delilah, he called Grandma to tell her about how he was learning to use the toilet.  In his words, “I go peepee… delilah!

During that same bible study while reading about Joshua and marching around the City of Jericho, Ben said, “they blew their horns and then they shouted “…….”” Nolan knows what they shouted! He pipes up with: “Goodbye moon!” (From an Owl story that must have some similarities in the picture or something).

He has been making up all kind of his own “lyrics” if you will, to melodies of songs he knows.  He just starts singing a tune, and out pops all kinds of families names, objects and actions.

We were recently trying to break him of his habit of messing with his belly button all the time, and so his take on it was “neva neva touch ya belly button“.  Then he started expanding on this thought and saying “neva neva touch ya leg…..neva neva touch ya back.“  Sigh.  Sometimes I guess we don’t do a very good job of getting our real point across.  Been having to back track and fix that one.  But it was hilarious hearing him say that- the idea of it being wrong to touch your own leg- even now as I write this I’m cracking up again.  Man kids are so funny without even trying!!

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