Rancherette Saves Her Chicks

April 13th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

It was cloudy when we left.  While we were gone some voracious sounding thunder and lightning started happening and some seriously monster rain droplets started falling in great number.

By the time we got home I knew my poor little chicks were going to be sopping wet and freezing because I hadn’t thought to put the waterproof tarp over their little “kiddie pen” outside when we left.  I quickly changed out of my skirt and donned my oilskin jacket that was a gift from my late grandpa and Ben’s stetson style black hat that he’s had since not long after we met (16 years now).

Already feeling like a rancher :)- I dug my heels into my ugly snowboots and swooped out into the stormy night armed with two Trader Joe’s bags to rescue my chickens.  They were all huddled in one corner together, except for Snow White who was still attempting to sit on her perch and one of the Americauna chicks who oddly enough was standing up super straight and tall by herself a few inches away from the rest.  I quickly picked them up one at a time- they didn’t make a fuss this time- and placed them in the bags.

Back inside with “our girls”, still feeling like a rancher, I pulled out my trusty blowdryer and was surprised that they didn’t freak out over the noise of it- I think they felt that warmth and immediately knew it was going to be okay.  After giving them a general blowing over for a bit I started taking each one out individually to get them more dry- a few of the smaller ones especially were practically dripping and were cold to the touch- probably because when they all piled around each other out in the rain to try to keep warm, the little ones got pushed to the bottom where a puddle had begun to form.  They all seemed to thoroughly appreciate and enjoy the whole blow-dryer process and I’m curious if the ones we weren’t as “close to” will be a little more bonded to me after this.

After a time they were all dry, and, really with no other choice, decided now would be the best time to put them out in the real coop.  I’ve had plans to move them there during the next 2 weeks sometime, but had wanted to do in my own step-by-step way.  And of course, just like Nolan and potty training, circumstances and the chickens were beating me to the starting line.

I donned a headlamp and carried my two Trader Joe’s bags out into the pouring rain with thunder quite loud above me and raced quickly to the chicken coop.  Popped them into the dry softness of the pine shavings one by one amidst their feverish chirpy protests and then raced back inside.

I came back inside to see Ben with my eyes glittering bright and having that alive feeling inside.  “I feel like a Rancher!” I told him laughing and smiling.  Please don’t let any real cowboy people read this…….it was that coat and hat!  I think I’m starting to remember why it was so fun to play dress up when were kids.  All I need now is a holster for my hairdryer, and I could have ridden Nolan’s stick horse if I’d thought of it…..

We shall see how the unplanned transfer to the chicken coop turns out when this saga continues (tomorrow morning).


Introducing “the girls”

April 12th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Introducing the 4 “girls” who gotten into our affections the most so far and have garnered names for themselves…..

These are the cuddliest or most friendly little chickens we’ve got so far….but there are 3 more large hens, and 7 more littler chicks who I must still introduce and discuss in the near future……

Rainy Day at GG’s House

April 12th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Clean up work at Nolan’s GG’s house went well.  It was rainy which made it super fun for Nolan….see for yourself!


It’s really neat to see Nolan be so comfortable with his “GG”.  He runs after her calling “GG! GG!!  Can you (he means I) go look at the creek??”

Later Nolan insisted on trying to help Daddy cut up the branches- the tool was as big as he was!  But that didn’t stop him from trying…..

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