Four Men I’ll Go On Dates With

May 19th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Husband, Son, Father, Brother.

All special, and makes me so happy to have them each in my life.  My brother took me on a date recently!  Kina Grannis, an independent musician that we both like, was playing at the Fillmore in SF just the other night and I was invited to go with him.  It was a blast in every way and  I treasured the whole evening.

Over 21 stamps!  It’s starting to feel a little silly- maybe they should have “way over 21” stamps. After the concert we drove to the Presidio and hung out- I had to make it last and stay out late right?  What kind of date ends at 10:30?  I made it home at a more acceptable 1 a.m.  I honestly can’t remember the last time I was out on the town that late- obviously, since I totally fell asleep during the last leg of the drive home.  Thanks little bigger bro….

Nothing Wrong

May 19th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

I heard a crash in the back office.  A minute or so later Nolan emerged from that room slowly and said to me,

“Uhh mommy, there’s nothing wrong.  There’s nothing wrong back there.”

Me:  “Oh?  Nothing wrong eh?  Maybe I should just check.”

The lamp had fallen over and broken the shade entirely off.  In Nolan’s defense, Ben had already knocked it over 2 nights before and started the whole shade braking process.

As I looked at the lamp Nolan said to me, “there’s nothing wrong with the lamp…there’s nothing wrong with it.”

A Mother’s First Heart Attack……

May 17th, 2012 by Busy Mommy


So if you just happened to walk outside and see this, wouldn’t you about have a heart attack to?  I wasn’t sure how to respond.  Nolan happily turned and was clearly very excited to be hanging out on top of his playhouse roof.  And in that moment I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it- mostly what came out of my mouth was,

“NOLAN! Woa….Uhhh…..I don’t know if that’s okay honey….I guess you look pretty stable up there….BE CAREFUL!….maybe you should get down….uhhhhhh….how about you sit down?”  Nolan hasn’t been a climber till now, so I didn’t know quite how to respond- of course I want him to be safe, but at the same time, I know it’s going to be the normal course of events for a boy to start climbing things…..

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