July 29th, 2012 by Busy Mommy
One fell off and bumped his head. Then one jumped off and bumped his head. Then the other one got back on the bed and jumped off again. Then the other one climbed back up and slide back off the bed. And more fun like that.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Lpc66swKc&feature=youtube_gdata[/youtube]
July 29th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

After some stories in bed, it was about 9:30, and I hoped they would both go to sleep- wasn’t sure since I’ve never tried putting two boys to sleep at the same time and in the same bed before! It was a fun experiment that worked! Tyler fell asleep pretty much without a peep. Nolan was so excited to have another buddy to hang out with in bed that I could hear him jabbering away in the room. I went in a few times reminding him it was time to be quiet and time to go to sleep. Several goodnight kisses later, I figured he would listen.
Suddenly I heard Nolan’s voice louder than before and when I went in the room to check on them again, there was Nolan, leaning over a sound asleep Tyler, going “Tyler! Tyler! Wake up! Wake up!” Nolan just didn’t want the fun to end! :)- After more “it’s time to sleep” reminders, Nolan finally wound down enough to get used to the new arrangement, and soon enough they were both totally out.
Tylers parents were along not too much later, but it was neat for all of us to see that our two boys could fall asleep in this setting- Tyler without his parents, and Nolan with another little person next to him.
Oh here’s bedtime stories by the way….
July 29th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Snagged a 2nd child for the evening….boy what fun we all had. The sand box was only part of it.