Nolan: Mower, Daddy: Edger

September 15th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

They each had a job to do.


Almost-Falling-Asleep-While-Putting-Nolan-to-Bed Singing

September 15th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Usually Ben and I take turns putting Nolan to sleep so one of us gets a chance to unwind alone, in the quiet. But sometimes I enjoy cuddling up the three of us on Nolan’s twin bed in the dark to just enjoy my two main “squeezes.”  This is just a clip of that the other night.



Radiohead’s “Fake Plastic Trees”- Nolan Style of course

September 15th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Nolan will be three years old next month.  I just can’t believe it!  He is turning out to be very musically inclined (big wonder!).  He didn’t get it from my side.  Well, I mean he DID get it from my side too, but he also didn’t, since I personally am not very musically inclined- it seemed to have skipped my generation.  And of course we all know Ben is genetically musically gifted.

In all honesty I was pretty impressed by the caliber of his “tune” he came up to go with the music that Ben was playing.  There was quite a bit of variation in the notes and how he sang them.  I guess I could be partial, but isn’t this pretty good for a kid who’s still 2 years old and who acts like he can’t pull his own underwear up yet?


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