Nolan Jumping on Bed to Music and Singing

December 6th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Showing signs of proficiency on the piano

December 6th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

We both thought it was pretty good that Nolan was playing with 2 fingers on the same hand tonight when we’re pretty sure no one has specifically taught him this yet?



Daytrip with Daddy #1

December 4th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

Our family schedule has changed a bit recently, such that now Ben will have a little more time to spend with Nolan.  On a recent friday, he gathered up Nolan and a bunch of gear and they headed off for the entire day- supposedly to the “foothills” for a day of rock collecting and throwing.  Foothills my foot!  As you’ll see from the photos their journey took them all the way to Yosemite Valley.  They had a pretty grand time, and they did bring back some pretty cool rocks.

The day wouldn’t have been completed without a stop for Pizza in Curry Village.

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