May 10th, 2013 by Busy Mommy
I got very behind on the blog this year.
The reason is that I’m working again, this time from home, on another blog, and that means that when I’m done working on the computer on a blog, the last thing I want to do or even have time to do is more blogging. I need to use my time after working to actually interact with my family instead of just daydream about them while editing photos. ;)-
It’s not that I haven’t been taking photos- ohhhh yessirree do I take photos. Hundreds and hundreds of them. But they are all here in my computer where only Nolan, Ben and I can see them. I hate that you guys are missing out on the highlights of the first half of this year, and it’s really nice to have just the “best of” to look at for us too.
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May 10th, 2013 by Busy Mommy
This wasn’t a Benana trip, this was a Lamily trip.
Nolan is old enough now at 3 years old to be fun on vacation and (in general) a joy for all of us to hang out together. I guess he’s like a 3rd little person now instead of just a baby, which means he can add to the conversation, carry a light grocery bag, put things away, grab a kleenex for a mommy who is still in bed, make jokes, and, well, just be a person that’s all.
I believe we actually took close to 1500 photos (yes, 1500, not 150) total on the 5 day vacation, and we’ll share a few more highlights later, but here’s some…click on one to start a slideshow of pics.
[g-gallery gid=”3551″ random=”0″ watermark=”0″]
May 10th, 2013 by Busy Mommy
My husband and my son are my security blankets these past several months.
No matter how bad I have felt at times with ongoing health issues, I always feel safe when my husband and son are close to me. Preferably close enough to touch and cuddle with.
They are a major source of comfort to me and the only people I can be around when I’m really not well. It reminds me that I have much to be thankful for, despite everything.
Nothing will be perfect, and many times it will be so far from perfect it downright sucks, until the paradise is here, but until then, I am so thankful for my little family.
This man and boy are so precious to me.

Posted in Family
- Tags:Family