“I Could Paint for You” – Nolan Song Creation 4 years 2 months

December 30th, 2013 by Busy Mommy

Nolan’s first presentation out in field service!

December 21st, 2013 by Busy Mommy

I think what I am most struck by is that he came up with this presentation himself.  He just turned 4 at the end of October.

The one Ben suggested, which didn’t actually involve a scripture and was very short, Nolan said, “I can’t say that- that’s too hard.” – I’m sure mostly because it was new to him, whereas the presentation he came up with is what we’ve been talking about for a few minutes each day for the last several days.

This is of course just a re-enactment, but when the man came to the door in service Nolan spoke very well!  This is essentially what he said today- December 21, 2013, Nolan’s first time speaking at the door “for real”. 🙂

Informal Witnessing!

December 17th, 2013 by Busy Mommy

We have been recording some Bible dramas lately but Nolan didn’t feel like getting into a costume yesterday- so we came up with the idea of doing modern day informal witnessing instead.  We were inspired by the fact that in some countries our work is under ban and people have to get creative like this in order to discuss the Bible with individuals.

They did so great!!

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