Love to hear my little boy talk

August 12th, 2014 by Busy Mommy

The whole thing is my favorite. I hope these types of thoughts stick with him to adulthood!

Kids Bible Drama: Jepthah’s Daughter

August 10th, 2014 by Busy Mommy

I finally finished editing this one – can’t believe it’s already almost a year and a half old!  Nolan was only 3 and a half, and Kelly was 5 and a half.


Kids Bible Drama- The Woman At the Well

August 7th, 2014 by Busy Mommy

So this video is actually from like over a year ago and I never got around to editing it -  I love hearing how Nolan’s voice has changed from then to now, and of course Raquel’s acting is top notch as always!

Keep your eye specifically for the raised eyebrow thing going on when she says “Samaritan woman” – it’s a hoot!