Epic Movie of Nolan’s First 4 Years of Life – in 3 Parts

December 17th, 2014 by Busy Mommy

Whenever I was feeling crappy the past few months, I’d sit and piece together this montage of Nolan’s first 4 full years as a human being on this earth.

It’s very valuable to me because there are many days when I feel sad or guilty that I can’t be the parent I wish I could be for him due to some health limitations. It’s very frustrating at times, and even causes me to worry over his upbringing being balanced enough for his mental and emotional health. I worry we’ll be able to teach him all he needs to learn to become a responsible knowledgeable adult. It leaves me feeling very helpless and sad when I think about this idea.

Watching these clips back, watching him grow up, little snapshots from birth to 4 years, I think to myself, hey I really AM a good mom! And this kid is HAPPY. And he’s LEARNED A LOT for a kid his age.

Stop worrying lady!

I think so far, there are enough good memories and good times in our family for him to be a happy well adjusted little dude.

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