We had a large load of compost delivered s few months ago that Ben used for planting the long row of fruit trees on one edge of the pasture. This was necessary because being on what’s called a lava cap, there is very little top soil and organic matter.
Partway through this summer not only were the fruit trees starting to thrive, but so were some stalks that, while similar in appearance to your average weed, looked much hardier and robust in appearance – it was a soft grey-green at first at that stage, and now that the stalks have mostly dried out they are golden.
And indeed they weren’t weeds- we snapped off a couple heads and rolled them between our fingers to release Hess tiny pieces of grain. I only wish I knew exactly what it was – perhaps oats? Wheat?
I can’t wait until paradise where I will sit down to watch the beautiful sunset of Jehovah’s with my very first hunk of bread and glass of wine in many years. What a delightful moment that will be. With my wonderful husband beside me of course.