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May 19th, 2012 by Busy Mommy
Husband, Son, Father, Brother.
All special, and makes me so happy to have them each in my life. My brother took me on a date recently! Kina Grannis, an independent musician that we both like, was playing at the Fillmore in SF just the other night and I was invited to go with him. It was a blast in every way and I treasured the whole evening.
Over 21 stamps! It’s starting to feel a little silly- maybe they should have “way over 21” stamps.
After the concert we drove to the Presidio and hung out- I had to make it last and stay out late right? What kind of date ends at 10:30? I made it home at a more acceptable 1 a.m. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was out on the town that late- obviously, since I totally fell asleep during the last leg of the drive home. Thanks little bigger bro….
September 19th, 2011 by Busy Mommy
Nolan is almost 23 months. Santa Rosa recently had I think the 1st Heirloom Festival of Sonoma County. It was filled with all veggies and animals heirloom or from bygone days. There were of course displays of heirloom tomatoes, but there are a lot more heirloom veggies and fruits than just tomatoes. Check out this display of corn for example. There was this GORGEOUS dried corn the color of slate grey. When it was ripe and fresh I’m sure it was more a deep blue color. And yes the corn on the left really was that pink- no color enhancements here.I went with a new friend in my congregation and her youngest boy Alexander who is only a month apart from Nolan. We had our ergo baby carriers and between the hot sun, the concrete, and either carrying our sons on our backs, running after them as they ran wild, or stemming the nervousness inside as we allowed them to climb on some bleachers but always read to jump to the rescue should one of them fall, I think us two mommies got pretty worn out- but we had fun. (And yes, that is a truckbed full of soil with lettuce planted in it inside a building).
The boys are still a little young to interact too much- hence why I had trouble getting ANY clear photos of them together. At the animal pens, as soon as Alex would walk up to one, Nolan decided he was done and walked off to the next pen. Only after numerous tries did I manage to get this one (of the back of their heads- oh well, I can’t complain at least they’re together):
We don’t have too many farm-related activities going on here in the bay area much, and since I wish I lived on a farm, I was super excited to hear about the Heirloom festival. Here’s a few more snapshots of the day:
Nolan keeps calling pumpkins “matos”- aka tomatoes- I can see what he means- they do look like tomatoes- just exceptionally large.
And my favorite “new idea” that looks like it’s probably been around a long long time for seed planting- looks like a board cut to fit this seed planting flat, with corks glued to the board to make even indentations/holes in the flat for easy seed planting at regular intervals.
The ride home was peaceful…..