The handwriting without tears handwriting books have been working great for Nolan to learn to write and this is one of those areas where I see what a self motivated person he is because he will very frequently do pages without me even asking.
We are currently as u see here in the 2nd book where printing is now smaller. His first print book was with very large printing.
One job that we are paying Nolan to help with is the monthly billing – stuffing envelopes ain’t no joke when ur 5.
This is his first time to do some of it on his own and get paid for it – 7 whole dollars.
Pretty soon he will get to open his first bank account – they allow kids to have a savings under their name with parents name on account with $25 to open with no maintenance fees.
He totally looks mature enough for that right?? 😉
My current habit with Nolan is to study one paragraph for some of the material for each meeting together – so one paragraph from watchtower and one paragraph from Gods love book. We discuss it and often have him pretend I don’t know anything after and have him teach it back to me.