Nolan’s 2nd time Rock Climbing

March 21st, 2017 by Busy Mommy

We have a gym nearby with Kids rock climbing classes and Nolan is LOVING it. The teacher Lee is so incredibly awesome. A gem of a teacher. She makes it fun and exciting, yet teaches them real stuff and makes good use of time and knows how to keep them in line in a positive way.

Nolan said he loves the rock climbing games they played – Rock Warrior and Lava Monster

Soccer – Or Maybe Un-Soccer

July 13th, 2015 by Busy Mommy

I guess this isn’t really soccer because we’re not actually playing any sort of game with rules- but we ARE using a soccer ball, so hey.

We’ve been making it a more frequent thing to head over to the local school for just 20-30 minutes, right before dusk or so when the temperatures are cooling off, to kick a soccer ball around so Nolan can sweat and get some activity. I call it good when his scalp feels wet. 🙂 He loves to run after the ball and kick it and it’s a nice long field of grass for doing it in.










Interpretive Dance Phase

July 13th, 2015 by Busy Mommy

Nolan appears to be in an interpretive dance phase. Full body convulsions, the whole bit.

I told him he actually looks a little like the sign language translators! Perhaps there is a future for him in expressive sign?

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