Fries In Stock & Nimble on the Boulders

July 12th, 2015 by Busy Mommy

While on one our first kayak excursions at Pinecrest together, Nolan spent quite awhile climbing along the rocks and outcroppings along the lake and having a temporary food stand against a tree. Thankfully my favorite, fries, were in stock!

I am trying to maintain a balance between my fear at seeing him climb around on these big boulders with the realization that he is getting older and really is quite capable. Still, it scares me!! I keep saying “be careful be careful!” and “nolan, don’t go there! Don’t go any higher! Wait for me!” He really is pretty cautious though, he’s just not a wobbly two years old anymore. Hard for me to believe still.








First kayaking experiences

July 12th, 2015 by Busy Mommy

I have learned so much from having an open mind – while there are many things I cannot do because of my illness, I have learned to really scrutinize new ideas and compare them with what I know about what usually causes symptoms and what usually doesn’t before I decide whether it’s something I can risk trying.

That is why when a sister in our congregation asked if I wanted to go kayaking with her, instead of automatically saying i couldn’t, I mulled it over instead.

I surmised to myself that one of the main problems for physical activities in particular causing symptoms occurring has to do with being on my feet. Standing or walking is usually the big problem. Since kayaking is sitting and the actual exercise portion is through upper body only I wondered….

I decided to give it a try, and so glad I did. Not only does it feel fine for me to do, it’s something I can take Nolan to do as well, all on my own. It has been a struggle to find activities that I as a mother could do on my own with my son with my limitations.

This has been a wonderful find!

Our first 2 excursions Nolan sat in my kayak so could make sure he liked it, and when I saw how into it he was I purchased a youth kayak for $116 online.

Nolan insisted once we got the kayak cart of rolling it himself. And his first time in his own kayak this past week he did great! We went to pinecrest and he went much further than I thought he would – all the way to my favorite rock spot where the aspen tree is (and back of course).

And pretty much the first thing he says when we’re both in our kayaks, heading out together for the very first time is, “let’s race and see who gets there the fastest!” Man genetics are so strong. the kid has dipped his paddle into the water no more than a dozen times and he’s already ready to race lol.













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Nolan’s Power Snatch

August 21st, 2012 by Busy Mommy

This is how to do a power snatch…..

Nolan did a pretty good job of one….



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