A few quick pics of August trip to Oregon

September 26th, 2013 by Busy Mommy

Heading to Oregon and Washington in the beginning of August in pursuit of a health treatment was not exactly painful….it was absolutely beautiful there.  We made a family trip out of so that if nothing comes of the health treatment, we won’t have really lost out on much for the actual trip- it was really wonderful family time and I hope to do it again in the near future.  A few quick pics- more to come.

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Hiking with Nolan- once again

January 8th, 2012 by Busy Mommy

It’s been awhile really.  Awhile since Nolan and I have hiked together like the “old days” when he was a baby.  He’s a little over 30 pounds now.  I’ve been working on getting stronger so that I can continue to carry him on my back, as for awhile there he was really feeling too heavy for me to do that.  Nolan is well and able to walk a good distance on his own anyway now, but at a moment’s notice he could want to be carried, so I still would like to be able to do this.  I’m hoping to sail through the rest of this young child phase without a stroller.We took a short hike at Lake Chabot again this week- Nolan oohed and awwed over the big yellow tractors and digger type machines that were sitting around near the top of the parking lot.  He didn’t want to walk anymore pretty quickly, but I’m happy to say I managed quite well with him my back, so the working out (in the form of Crossfit) has definitely been helping!

I have another life….woops, I mean blog.

December 16th, 2011 by Busy Mommy

I’ve been keeping something from you.  I have another blog.  Dedicated to quilting.  I recently decided to change the scope of that blog and use it to include things like our hobbies, hiking, cooking, interesting research I come across, my projects, Ben’s projects, and just other things are that are less “nolan” in nature- it will be more a reflection of me.  So if you want to see what else I’m up to, you can follow my other blog too- the address is www.overallgirl.wordpress.com – here’s a quick screenshot of what the homepage looks like: If you noticed it, I have a scripture on the header that means a lot to me and i keep a written copy of it taped to my computer screen.  One thing Jehovah has used Ben to teach me is that it’s best to just get in there and do it- whatever the task that needs to be done- I used to procrastinate and worry and project about how overwhelming or impossible a job seemed, but Ben would just start hacking away at it, and in much less time than I thought possible, it was already done.  I have learned to get in there and do what needs to be done over the past 11 years of our marriage, and I’m a much more productive person as a result and experience a lot less mental anguish over projected difficulties that don’t turn out to be true.  This is one of the greatest gifts he’s given me and has been one of the best changes in my personality.

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